Topografisk kort over Grønland

Senest opdateret d. 09.10.12

IUCH (International Union for Circumpolar Health) er en international non-governmental organisation (NGO) med medlemmer, 'adhering bodies' og 'affiliates' i de circumpolare regioner.

IUCH's hovedformål er 'to:

  1. Promote international cooperation in circumpolar health
  2. Encourage and support research and exchange of scientific information in the circumpolar health sciences
  3. Promote public awareness of circumpolar health
  4. Provide a means of communication with other scientific organizations
  5. Promote and encourage the participation of indigenous peoples in circumpolar health affairs.

En væsentlig opgave for IUCH er at arrangere de 3-årlige International Congresses on Circumpolar Health (ICCH), som traditionelt har mange danske og grønlandske deltagere. Den sidst afholdte kongres (ICCH15) fandt sted i Fairbanks, Alaska, 5. - 10. august 2012, den forrige (ICCH14) i Yellowknife, NWT, Canada, 11.-17. juli 2009, kongressen før da (ICCH13) i Novosibirsk, Rusland, juni 2006, og kongressen før da (ICCH12) i Nuuk, september 2003. Denne blev blev kombineret med årets NUNAMED. Næste kongres (ICCH16) finder sted i Oulu, Finland, 2015. Nærmere information vil følge her på siden.

IUCH har egen hjemmeside



(Oktober 2012) Den næste International Conference on Circumpolar Health (ICCH16) afholdes 2015 i Oulu, Finland. Nærmere information her på siden.

(September 2011) Den næste International Conference on Circumpolar Health (ICCH15) afholdes 2012 i Fairbanks, Alaska, 5. - 10. august 2012 med deadline for abstracttilmelding 31. januar 2012.

(oktober 2008) Den næste International Conference on Circumpolar Health (ICCH14) afholdes 11.- 17. juli 2009 i Yellowknife, NWT, Canada. Tilmelding mv. kan ske nu. Se kongressens meget flotte hjemmeside for tilmelding, abstract submission samt information af enhver art.

(Oktober 2005) Den næste 13th International Conference on Circumpolar Health (ICCH13) afholdes i juni 2006 i Novosibirsk, Rusland. Kontaktpersoner er Sergei Krivoschekov og Neil Murphy. Se ICCH-siden for nærmere information. The Canadian Society for Circumpolar Health har indgivet ansøgning om at afholde ICCH14 i 2009, formentligt i Yellowknife.

(Marts 2005) Internation Union for Circumpolar Health (IUCH) har fast repræsentation i Arctic Councils Sustainable Development Working Group. Denne gruppe har netop lavet Rapport for 2004. Her planlægges en række forskningsinitiativer, hvor sundhedsforskningen har en væsentlig andel. De sundhedsrelaterede projekter er trukket frem i rapporten.

International Seminar on Circumpolar Health

Together with the Danish/Greenlandic Society for Circumpolar Health, the International Union for Circumpolar Health (IUCH) held a scientific meeting on

Friday, May 31st, 2002, at 2 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.

Danish Polar Center, Strandgade 100 H, Copenhagen.


14.00-14.25 Marit Eika Jørgensen,Charlotte Glümer, Peter Bjerregaard, Knut Borch-Johnsen (The Steno Diabetes Centre). Obesity and central fat patterning among Greenland Inuit and a general population of Denmark. Relationship to metabolic risk factors.

14.25-14.50 T. Kue Young. Impact of obesity on Canada's aboriginal peoples.

14.50-15.15 Earl Nowgesic, Jeff Reading. Collaborative opportunities for international indigenous health research.

15.15-15.45 Coffee break

15.45-16.10 Anders Koch, Christoffer Holst Hansen, Jan Wohlfahrt, Mads Melbye. A population-based register study of vaccine coverage among children in Greenland.

16.10-16.35 Tyra Grove, Anders Koch, Jeppe Friborg, Thomas Hjuler Tamsmark, Ove Rosing Olsen, Bjarne Kristensen, Mads Melbye. BCG vaccination and risk of atopy in greenlandic school children.

16.35-17.00 Børge Ytterstad. Snowmobile injuries in Svalbard - a three year study.

17.00-17.25 Inge Merete Nielsen, Hans Eiberg. Cholestasis familiaris groenlandica.

Members of Dansk Medicinsk Selskab are welcome.