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Objectives of the IUCH Working Groups

The Working Groups share the general goals and objectives of the IUCH. By focusing on specific fields of interest within circumpolar health, the Working Groups promote and encourage closer collaboration between individuals and institutions involved in improving the health of circumpolar populations through the exchange of practical experience and research data, and the eventual development of comparable systems and strategies for conducting surveillance, surveys, analytical studies, experimental studies, field trials of interventions, demonstration programs, and so on.

Thus, the Working Groups are networks of individuals who share a common interest in specific fields of circumpolar health. Each Working Group exchanges practical experience and research data and develops plans for international collaborative efforts in prevention. The current Guidelines for IUCH Working Groups, as adopted by the IUCH Council, September 1, 1994, were published in Arctic Medical Research, vol. 53, no. 4, October 1994, 213-4. The Working Groups are officially recognized and sponsored by the IUCH and they report to the Council.

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[Birth Defects] [Cancer] [Environmental Health] [Health Surveys] [Indigenous Peoples]
Infectious Diseases] [Injury Prevention] [Occupational Safety & Health]